The Problems with Google and Wikipedia.

What about Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is a popular place to find information. Why then won't your teacher let you use it on your research projects?

Unfortunately, Wikipedia is not considered a reliable source. This is primarily because ANYONE CAN WRITE OR CHANGE AN ARTICLE.

However, Wikipedia may still be useful to you. Instead of using Wikipedia and citing it in your assignment, you can use Wikipedia to help you locate Internet sources. The sources section of Wikipedia often has good sources that you can use in your papers.

Google isn't as perfect as it seems.

Most people who are doing research on the Internet start by searching Google. Google can be useful, if you use it correctly. But there are also concerns when using Google. For example, if you and a friend do the same search in Google, you might get completely different results. That's because Google customizes its search results based on your previous searches.

Google will also often provide you with millions of results, which is difficult to search through. You can use special search symbols to help you narrow your results down, but you will need to know those symbols and use them, and you will still have more results than you can reasonably search.