Statistics & Probability

Lessons and Projects

Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems - 9.SP.1 & 9.SP.2 & 9.SP.3

Demonstrate an understanding of the role of probability in society - 9.SP.4

Students will use the Google Slides template to guide themselves through the entire unit of Statistics and Probability.  Included in this package are videos of explanations of key vocabulary, activities and assessments. Students will also complete their own survey as part of the final activity in this unit. 

Math 9 - Probability and Statistics - Teacher Guide
Math 9 - Probability and Statistics - Student Journal

Statistics Vocabulary Lesson

Teacher Notes & Student Note Booklet

Statistics Vocabulary Notes - 9
Statistics Vocabulary & Notes - Student

Statistics Websites

Worksheets for students to analyze graphs and data about various topics (current events and real data sets!)

Slow Reveal Graph is an instructional routine that promotes sensemaking about data.  As more and more of the graph is revealed, students refine their interpretation and construct meaning, often in surprising ways. 

Interactive data (stats) on global issues - gender, income disparity, carbon emission etc.

Website comparing "correlation vs causation" - using completely unrelated relationships to compare trends and use data to "support" causation

Statistics & Probability Templates


Projects from Classic Engaging Students Site

Survey on Marketing This project is adapted from the Classroom Assessment Tool Kit (2003). It meets the criteria for integration of the "C" outcomes in the ICT Curriculum.

March Madness 2008 Analyze the statistics leading up to the NCAA Basketball championship games. This site will be updated after Selection Sunday.

Additional Links and Resources

Junior High Math Interactives LearnAlberta is producing interactive learning objects for the grade 7, 8, and 9 math curriculum. Some of the object interactive topics are available online for preview. Lessons on integers, rate, ratio and proportion, square roots and exponents can be accessed.

Exploring Election Data

Exploring Probability

100m and the line of Best Fit

Census At School Census at School is an international classroom project for students aged 8 to 18. They gather information about themselves by completing a brief online survey. The anonymous results are used for teaching various subjects and comparing students' lives in different countries.

The Vitruvian Theory-Does It Apply To You?

Connecting Math and Astronomy Use this site to create a database of the planets in the solar system.

The Birthday Problem: A Short Lesson In Probability

Statistics and Probability Activities

Central Tendencies

Circle Graphs

Bar Graphs


Stem and Leaf Plotter

Box and Whisker Plot

Chance and Uncertainty


Exploring Probability


Adjustable Spinner I

Adjustable Spinner II

Counting Cards

Coin Tossing

Stick or Switch
