Newspaper Article Unit

Created by Steve Trueman, Marriya Jenkins, Jessica Campbell and Darren Maltais, Black Gold Regional Schools

Part One: 

Pre-Writing: Planners, Analyzing Articles, Finding the 5Ws

Target:  Students understand the form of a newspaper article and can  identify important facts that identify 5Ws and offer extra information to the audience. 

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues- 

3.3.1 Plan and Focus

3.3.2 Record Information  

First Lesson:  News Article Layout Analysis 

Supply students with news articles. They complete the layout analysis. (Inverted triangle finding 5Ws)

Choice of articles:  Newsela  (sign in, sign in with Google gives full access.),

Assessment: Exit Slip (included below) 

News Article Inverted Triangle
News Article Layout Analysis
News Article Layout- Exit Card:

Gallagher-  Article of the Week -Annotation  lesson: need a quick write-up of this

Gallagher - Annotating

Articles for Analysis

Titantic Survivor's Locket Found on Ocean Floor Sample News Article
Women of NASA to Be Immortalized — In Lego Form Sample News Article

Second Lesson:  News Article Comparison

How do different writers tell the same story?  Students examine a news story from different angles, including written articles, videos, interviews, etc.   How do different writers give information to readers?  Do they follow the Inverted News Triangle?  How do they include answers?

Stories below, each has versions from different news services.

The Weather Network- Cougar Attacks Dog
Man punches cougar
CBC News-Cougar Attacks Dog

4.  Partners review each other's articles.  Use the review sheet below.  

5. Assessing Your News Article - teacher formative assessment.  (Based on the PAT rubric)

This is the first attempt at writing an article, so it will be formative only... (check with a blank inverted pyramid, partners read/review)

Cougar Attack: Article Review

Article Two

News Article Comparison-Steven Tyler Lost Dog Comparison
It's "Love in an Elevator," alright — or puppy love, at least
Alberta couple reunites Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler with his dog

Third Lesson: Cutting and Building a News Article

Provide students with a variety of printed articles- preferrably cut apart and photocopied as a jumbled article. 

Have students assemble a jumbled-up article:

Cut apart each article into paragraph strips, hand out strips (or photocopy of the jumbled version) to students who then determine the correct order to lay out the article in an effective format.   

Ordering Info in Articles
Trend-setter Lukes chosen to operate cafe inside Calgary's New Central Library
Cat overpopulation better-but not enough

Part Two: 

Writing a Headline and Lead Paragraph

Target:  Students recognize the role of a news article headline to introduce the topic and garner interest in their audience.  

2.4 Create Original Text- Structure texts-express the same ideas in different forms and genres; compare and explain the effectiveness of each for audience and purpose

First Lesson: Headlines

1. Students read, '5 Easy Tricks to Help you Write Catchy Headlines' and create a Picktochart (infographic) that displays the tricks to write a catchy headline.

2. Complete "Picture Prompts" activity with the students as a class, remembering to use their infographic elements.

3. Students work through, "Where are the Headlines" where students need to create a  headline based on the news article and picture provided. 

4. Students find 5 pictures and create 5 headlines in slides or drawings.  Share with another student who will see if they can correctly match the headline to the picture, if headlines were effective.

Headline Writing Practice (online) Break Your Own News, Newspaper Clipping Generator  5 Tricks Write Catchy Headlines

Assessment: Exit Slip (included below) 

Headlines: The Power to Move
Create the Headline

Add  headlines to pre-written news stories: Headlines

News Pictures

Second Lesson: Writing Lead Paragraphs

1.  Students use News Article Format Practice-  Write lead paragraphs based on the image provided.  

2.  Students practice writing articles using the support documents provided below (teacher choice as to which to use.)

3. Sample PAT formats for students to write a complete news article provided below.  (All information given and students need to organize into complete sentences/paragraphs)

News Article Format Practice
News Article Template

Sample PAT style article, using a "RAW news" video accompaniment (no sound)  Site with video

Super Blue Blood Moon News Article practice
Grand Canyon - news article
News Fact Graphic Organizer

Model and Write: With this handout, you work as a class to write a news article together in order to scaffold the learning.   Will help to model sentence structure and vocabulary etc as you write in front of the class.

Model and write as a class

Interview piece

4.1 Enhance and Improve-  Revise and edit-- edit for appropriate verb tense and for correct pronoun references

Third Lesson: Writing full article to include extra information in paragraphs 2 and 3.

1.  Remind students that when writing:

Part Three: 

Identifying bias/opinion/fact *source for research

Target:  Students recognize how different authors share information.  Students recognize and identify how bias and opinion impact message.  

2.4 Create Original Text- Structure texts-express the same ideas in different forms and genres; compare and explain the effectiveness of each for audience and purpose

First Lesson:   "Fact and Opinion" Google Slides 

Teacher leads discussion with sample slides.  

Second Lesson: "Fact and Opinion Teaching Strategies" PDF

A variety of teaching activities to help students identify the difference between facts and opinions.  

(eg. Students write either a fact or an opinion on a scrap paper.  Snowball them around the room.  Each student picks up one, identifies it as either Fact or Opinion)

Third Lesson: "Identifying Bias"

Teacher leads students through up to 3 sample articles, each time identifying bias words and examples.  

Fourth Lesson:  Bias in News Reporting


Student News Daily: Teacher resource for examining bias

Fact and opinion teaching strategies
Fact or Opinion.pdf

Tone in writing

Target:  Students consider the words and phrases they use to send the appropriate message to their audiences.

5.1.5 Use language to show respect

Lesson 1:  Google Slideshow Mini-Lesson:  A Matter of Attitude 

Mini Lesson on Tone: A Matter of Attitude


there are four different writing tasks available in the student version "Tips for Newspaper Tone."  It is suggested to use whichever tasks are needed for this mini lesson.

1.  Writing to improve short sentences.

2. Writing to improve run on sentences.

3. Writing to improve a single paragraph article into multiple paragraphs.


4.  Writing a new article, showcasing these tips using a photo of a cat leaving the scene of a fire.

Possible extension:

Editing, revising

Target:  Students edit and revise their own written work.

4.1 Enhance and Improve

4.2 Attend to Conventions

News Article Writing- Making Finished Copies
PAT Functional Writing Rubric.doc
Scoring Guide Newspaper Article Writing
Newspaper quick fill in checklist
Newspaper Article Introduction Checklist

Newspaper and Newsletter Templates

Wetlands Newspaper Template
Modern Newspaper Template
Harry Potter - Newspaper