English Language Arts Lessons and Projects

Research Skills Presentation

Identify use structural elements of texts in newspapers to access and comprehend ideas and information: 2.1.8

Students will use either templates to create newspapers while attending to the structural elements to inform their audience.

Modern Newspaper Template
Newspaper Template 4 (Presentation)
Book Cover with interior-Slides
What's The GIST? Strategy

Summarize texts indicating connections between events, characters, and settings: 2.2.7

Students will use the various templates to summarize texts and the connections between different elements. 

Identify reasons for character actions and feelings and make judgements relating to elements of texts: 2.2.8 & 2.2.9

Students will use the organizers to show reasoning for their inferences of characters and events from text while showing their evidence from the text.

Character Analysis: The Vinyl Cafe: Odd Jobs

Identify key characteristics of a variety of genres (short story specific): 2.3.1

Students will use the various templates to develop an understanding of the characteristics of plot within a short story. 

Use note taking or representing to assist with understanding: 3.1.2

Students will use the Cornell note-taking strategy in order to create their own understanding on a particular topic or concept.

Expository Writing Frame

Organize ideas and information according to sequence: 3.3.1

Students will use the various templates to help them organize information prior to writing expository or narrative paragraphs.

Students will analyze an article and write a headline to state the main idea, then create a graphic to entice viewers. 3.4.2, 4.1.5 (and others formatively)

Headline Writing

Select appropriate visuals, print or other media to inform and engage the audience: 3.4.2

Students will use the various templates to create reports or reviews on a selected in class topic. Attend to conventions, 7.4.2, can be used in conjunction with these templates. 

Rolling Stone Two Page
Film Review Template
Expository Writing Structure

Use paragraph structures in expository texts: 4.1.5

Students will used the prepared template to write and present their expository writing. Standard formatting has been preset for students: line spacing set at 1.5 and font set at 12 point Arial with standard 1" page margins. 

Show the relationship among key words associated with topics of study using a variety of strategies: 4.1.8

Students will use the various templates to study a selected word and attach different strategies in order to remember and recall the word and its appropriate usage. 

Word of the week template
ELA 6 - Complex Sentences

Identify the use of coordinate and subordinate conjunctions - 4.2.1

Use complex sentence structures and a variety of sentence types in own writing - 4.2.2

Students will use the Google Slides notes package to learn about complex sentences, subordinate clauses, and subordinate conjunctions before creating their own complex sentences. 

Constellation Mythology
Exemplar - Constellation Mythology

Constellation Mythology:

Students will research the constellation linked to their own Zodiac signs and create a Google Doc that retells the Greek or Roman roots of the constellation.  As well, students will include when they are found in the night sky and other interesting facts.

Poetry Study Unit: Students are guided through this unit to discover characteristics of the genre and to experiment with language the enhance their understanding. 

Grade 6 Language Arts Templates


Additional Resources

Dogo News - articles on current events, science, sports and more 

Biblionasium - kids share and recommend their favorite books. 

Storyline Online - view and listen to stories being read aloud by actors 

byGosh.com - Classic children books for various ages.

Audio versions of children's stories 

Aesop's Fables Modern and Traditional  - University of Massachusetts Aesop's Fables library 

Aesop's Fables Online  - Page by Page Books Aesop's Fables list


SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages 

Grimms Fairy Tales 

Greek Myths

Google Lit Trips - Combine the satellite imagery of Google Earth with a literature study of a fiction book. 

www.Tumblebookcloud.com - is an online collection of read-along titles for elementary, middle school, and high school students which features adjustable online text and complete audio narration. 

RazKids - (Online leveled Reading Library- Subscription) 

Scholastic Story Starters - A creative activity that can be different every time you try it. Select your grade and then spin the wheels to see what your story will be about. Then, choose a format for the story. 

Character Traits- Action Is Character: Exploring Character Traits with Adjectives Read*Write*Think 

Create Your Own Comic - with Marvel comics 

Kenn Nesbitt's Poetry 

Giggle Poetry 

How to Write Different Styles of Poems

Rhyming Dictionary 

Antonym & Synonym Jeopardy 

Page Reviewed and Updated June 2018