By Lincoln ES Students


During the month of October students generated ideas for the theme of our website. Students also got to know each other by communicating on Edmodo. There they shared ideas and gave feedback on the possible theme ideas.


During the month of November we selected our theme of Global Warming. Students then generated a list of focus questions for each area of Global Warming they wanted to explore. Students communicated on Edmodo


During the month of December students from both schools broke down into teams to answer the questions. Teams of students worked on various parts of the website focusing on the overall theme of Global Warming.


During the month of January students from St. Mark's and Lincoln created poster to put around their schools to raise awareness of Global Warming. Students from Lincoln were given a presentation about Zero Waste from Seven Generations Ahead to make their school more environmentally friendly.


During the month of February GVC 1802 held a video chat where the students from St.Mark's came back to school in the evening (8 PM India time) and the students from Lincoln met early in the morning (8 AM Chicago time). Students introduced themselves and then asked questions about Global Warming.


During the month of March students worked to put the final touches on the website. Students from St. Mark's and Lincoln added videos, artwork, and research to the website. Students also worked to complete the tribute page for Janet Barnstable.