skype session

How can we spread awareness about global warming?

By Lincoln ES Students

It is the job of every single one of us to make the planet aware of this global problem. We must all work together to raise awareness through our voice and actions. Spread the word and speak confidently that we can solve this problem. Our future depends on it!

Mother Earth Poem

Students from Lincoln and St. Mark's worked together on our Skype call to spread the word of global awareness through our actions at our schools and in our communities.

Filming by Lincoln ES Students

Poem on Global Warming- bringing awareness and action to others.

Filming by Lincoln ES Students

The students at Lincoln School created Global Climate Change slogans to post around the school to increase awareness.

By Lincoln ES Students


Ayush utsav

Grade - 5

St. Mark's School, Janakpuri,

New Delhi, India

Students created Global Warming posters to put around the school to increase awareness.

By Lincoln ES Students

Resources for climate change at your school.

Chicago students walk out of class to protest climate change.

activities to promote awareness

By Lincoln ES Students

The Blanket Activity (how global warming happens): Grades 4-6

This fun and interactive activity teaches your students how global warming actually works. Pick a volunteer to act as “The Earth,” and use blankets to act as “greenhouse gases.” Pass out and read (as a class) conversation cards that include greenhouse gas emitting situations/actions and wrap your brave student volunteer in blankets to give a live demonstration of how increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are “warming” the earth.

Download the Blanket Activity (Word doc) >

Energy Investigation Activity: Grades 4-6

For this activity, students will investigate their school environment to identify ways of saving energy. You can print off one copy of this activity sheet for each student, or for a small group of students. The students will use the activity sheet to act as “energy detectives,” answering questions to discover where and how energy is being used. After giving students a chance to be “energy detectives” around your classroom (or beyond), use the results of their investigation to have a class discussion about how you can reduce energy at school.

Download the Energy Investigation activity (Word doc) >

Zinglezubs Poem: Grades P/K-6

This rhyming poem is a fun way to engage young students about energy conservation. Suggested use:

Grades P/K-3 – Have students listen to the poem out loud. Follow up by asking age appropriate questions about the actions that take place in the poem and the reasoning and purpose for these activities (i.e. turning lights off).

Grades 4-6 – Have students listen to the poem and assign parts of the poem to small groups of students. Give the groups time to work together in order to plan how they will act out their piece of the poem for the rest of the class. Have the groups present/act out their section of the poem. Follow up with a class discussion about the activities that take place in the poem and the importance behind them. Students can also act this poem out during a school-wide assembly.

Download the Zinglezubs poem activity (Word doc)

Climate Change Rap

A song to raise awareness about climate change.

Students of St. Mark's spreading awareness on Global Warming...