Our Talents

Grade 5 and 6 students at St. Clare School are taking a new subject called CTF (Career and Technology Foundations). By doing CTF students are rediscovering and discovering talents that they never knew they had and developing new skills that could potentially be used in a future career. Here is a newspaper article that we wrote to inform the school community about the exciting opportunities for students.

Good Copy Newspaper

Here are videos of talents from USA and Canada.

Web design talent video (hockey).mov

Nic playing hockey (Canada)

GVC talents.MOV

Our talents video by Arlo (USA)

GVC News by Ada and Kathryn

GVC News is an update on what is going on in GVC this year. We showcase our talents by being creative and doing interviews.

GVC News 1.mov
GVC News 2.mov
USE THIS ONE GVC news 3.mov


  • Banner: Sunshine (Canada)- created using weavesilk.com
  • Newspaper: Karina and Kaylene (Canada)
  • Video by Arlo (USA)
  • GVC News by Ada and Kathryn (USA)