The Liu Lab at National Cheng Kung University uses machine learning method, calculation of phase diagram (CALPHAD) and experimental methods to understand and design new materials. We employ simulation methods to predict complex materials properties and microstructures. Under the guidance of prediction, experiments are designed and performed. These approaches allow us to study materials phenomena and discover advanced materials.
Opportunity at The Liu Lab
We are currently recruiting undergraduate students, master students, and Ph.D. students. Applicants who are interested in joining the group could directly reach to Prof. Liu at
2025/01 Congratulations to 澔瑋 for receiving 國科會 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議 獎助!
2025/01 Congratulations to 韋佑 for receiving 113學年度教育部博士生獎學金!
2024/12 Congratulations to 峻瑋 for receiving 高爐低碳煉鐵技術國際研討會 學生論文海報競賽 佳作!
2024/12 Congratulations to 峻瑋 for receiving 台達電子優秀學生獎學金!
2024/12 Congratulations on our new paper in Science and Technology of Welding and Joining!
2024/11 Congratulations to 澔瑋 for receiving 113年中國材料科學學會 學生海報競賽電子材料組 優等獎!
2024/11 Congratulations to 阡碩 for receiving 113年中國材料科學學會 學生海報競賽理論計算與模擬組 優等獎!
2024/11 Congratulations to 峻瑋、珮禎、誌宸 for receiving 113年成大機械系春風獎學金!
2024/11 Congratulations to Prof. Liu for receiving 2025 Functional Materials Division (FMD) Young Leaders Professional Development Award, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)!
2024/10 Congratulations to 阡碩 for receiving 113年國立成功大學UR大專生專題研究成果海報展暨海報競賽-人氣獎-第二名!
2024/09 Congratulations to 峻瑋 for receiving 113年成大機械系馬承九教授紀念獎學金!
2024/09 Congratulations to 珮禎 for receiving 113年成大機械系馬承九教授紀念獎學金!
2024/06 Congratulations to 阡碩 for receiving 113年國科會補助大專學生研究計畫!
2024/05 Congratulations on our new Taiwan patent!
2024/04 Congratulations to 恆慶 for receiving Best Student Oral Presentation in 2024 Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Electronic Interconnection IV!
2024/04 Congratulations to Prof. Liu for receiving 113年成大機械系研究優良教師!
2024/03 Congratulations on our new paper in Journal of Materials Research and Technology!
2024/03 Congratulations to 峻瑋 for receiving 113年成大機械系莊君地教授紀念獎學金!