Resources for Teachers

Classroom Collaboration

I am always available to instruct your classes on research skills, creating citations, evaluating sources, avoiding disinformation, avoiding plagiarism, and other similar topics. I am also very happy to do book talks for your classes! You can bring your students to the Learning Commons, or I can come to your classroom.

We are also happy to have your class here to use the space for research, collaborative work, or even just an alternative work space. (We have air conditioning!) Our makerspace materials are available to students who want to use them for their projects.

Give the Learning Commons a call at X4250 to set up a time.


Please feel free to use the Learning Commons for your students who missed quizzes or tests during the marking period. Bring their test to the library, fill in the cover sheet for the directions to the student, and place the test and cover sheet in the appropriate file in the test box (based on the period your student has your class). When the test is completed, we will put it in the test box according to the department. You can always call us with special instructions.