Maths Term 2

Group Weekly Tasks





Week 4: Volume and Circumference

WALT: Convert between metric units of capacity - ml, L, kL

WALT: Calculate the volume of cuboids

WALT: Find the circumference of a circle

Learn: The key ideas to find out and understand this week are...

How to convert between units of measure using multiplication and division.

The importance of including the unit of measure with your recording of measurement.

How to calculate the volume of cuboids

The formula for finding the circumference of a circle

Your tasks this week:

  1. Daily measurement knowledge practice worksheet - group box

  2. Calculating area, volume and circumference workbook here.

  3. Maths buddy set practice tasks.


This week create a DLO sharing your chosen measurement art investigation

  1. Area Pixel Art. Share a a screenshot of your artwork along with your area calculations on your blog.


  1. Circle Optical Illusion. Share your finished optical illusion along with some of the information you have discovered about circles along the way,


Post your DLO on your blog. Don't forget to put the WALT for this activity and a reflection on how you went with the learning.

What is your next step in developing your understanding of calculating volume and finding the circumference of a circle?

Week 3: Area

WALT: Convert between metric units of length - mm, cm. m. km

WALT: Calculate the area of squares, rectangles, and composite shapes

WALT: Find the area of triangles using ½ B x H formula

Learn: The key ideas to find out and understand this week are...

How to convert between units of measure using multiplication and division.

The importance of including the unit of measure with your recording of measurement.

How to calculate the area of shapes

Your tasks this week:

  1. Daily measurement knowledge practice worksheet - group box

  2. Area workbook

  3. Maths buddy set practice tasks.

  4. Weekly Group Measurement challenges


This week create DLO's sharing your jamboard investigations:

  1. World's biggest lasagne

  2. Classroom sclae drawing

  3. Perimeter and Area challenge


Post your DLO's on your blog. Don't forget to put the WALT for each activity and a reflection on how you went with the learning.

What is your next step in developing your understanding of calculating perimeter and area?

Week 2: Perimeter

WALT: Convert between metric units of length - mm, cm. m. km

WALT: Calculate the perimeter of simple and composite shapes.

Learn: The key ideas to find out and understand this week are...

How to convert between units of measure using multiplication and division.

The importance of including the unit of measure with your recording of measurement.

How to calculate the perimeter of shapes

Your tasks this week:

  1. Daily measurement knowledge practice worksheet - group box

  2. Length and Perimeter practice slide - finish from last week

  3. Maths buddy set practice tasks.

  4. Weekly Group Measurement challenges here


This week create a DLO sharing your findings of the hand perimeter challenge in the The GReat Measurement challenge tasks above. Share your method, results and conclusions. Include a definition of perimeter and how you calculate it also.


Post your DLO on your blog. Don't forget to put the WALT for this activity and a reflection on how you went with the learning.

What is your next step in developing your understanding of calculating perimeter?

Week 1: Length

WALT: Convert between metric units of length - mm, cm. m. km

WALT: Measure accurately with a ruler.

Learn: The key ideas to find out and understand this week are...

How to measure length accurately using a variety of tools.

How to convert between units of measure using multiplication and division.

The importance of including the unit of measure with your recording of measurement.

Your tasks this week:

  1. Daily measurement knowledge practice sheets

  2. Daily Measurement challenge here

  3. Length and Perimeter slide. Make a copy from your group slide above.


This week create a DLO about one of the length records you investigated in your workbook. Include your conversion calculations.


Post your DLO on your blog. Don't forget to put the WALT for this activity and a reflection on how you went with the learning.

What is your next step in developing your understanding of length and perimeter?