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60+ years of Wade Hampton Trevilian Yearbook

"A tradition that will be followed through the years is being established with this first publication of Wade Hampton High School’s yearbook, 'Trevilian.' General Wade Hampton, for whom our school is named took an active part in the Battle of Trevilian. This famous battle of the Civil War took place near Trevilian Station in Louisa Country, Virginia, Sheridan, the northern general, was encamped a few miles northeast of the Louisa Court House. The Union army had captured some 800 horses and wagons from Confederate General Fritz Lee and Hampton. After several days of anxious fighting during which neither side could gain an advantage, Sheridan made a major attack against Hampton’s forces. General Hampton was able to drive back the Union forces and claim victory for the South. This southern general who fought so bravely for the cause in which he believed has made a name for himself in the pages of history. 

We dedicate the 'Trevilian' in memory of Wade Hampton, a great Southern leader. We sincerely hope that you will treasure this book and the memories of your first year at Wade Hampton High School. " 

 Excerpt from Trevilian: Volume 1