About Our Yearbook

Staff Directory

Loving Like Generals Program

Trevilian is a publication created by students of Generals Yearbook Publication, the advanced publications program at Wade Hampton High. Our staff is composed of 13 students, including editor-in-chief, Coleman Henry. Wade Hampton High is located in Greenville, South Carolina, and we have 1,800+ students.

Our staff’s goal is to tell the stories, positive or negative, of our school and publish a legacy while practicing good journalism. We want our readers to be informed, educated, and entertained. We value and understand the importance of the media and the impact it has on the community. Please check in for the latest stories and updates; we’ll always keep you posted. Each year, we update our mission, which you can find here.

We produce the Trevilian yearbook, a 200+ page color publication entirely planned and produced by our student staff from cover to cover. 

Social media also is a big part of what we do. Follow us on Instagram. We don’t post as often on Facebook, but we aim to reach parents, faculty, community members, and alumni. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gensyearbook.

We love to hear your feedback. Contact us our Editor-in-Cheif at chenry9335@greenvilleschools.us or our Adviser at swyatt@greenvilleschools.us