Parenting "Stuff"

Parenting Can Be Hard!  

Thankfully, we don't have to figure it out on our own!  

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"Ever ask yourself why won't they just _____________?"  

Supporting children in becoming more responsible is a challenge.  But it can be done!  Here are some helpful tips, but remember - it won't happen overnight.  

If you are firm, fair and consistent, good things will come!  

*Have them acknowledge what was said

*If necessary, have them repeat back what was said to ensure they paid attention

If your child tends to "become emotional" easily, he or she may benefit from strengthening their  Problem-Solving Skills.  You can support them by helping them address the issue before they become too dysregulated.  Encourage them to think through the "size" of the problem.  Frequently, children "make mountains out of molehills", until they develop skills to differentiate between the magnitude of problems.  

Below is a helpful tool you can use to guide them in determining how severe of an issue they are dealing with, which opens up the opportunity for you to hep them consider what they can then do about the problem.  

Size Of My Problem