Meet The Teacher

Coffee is my go to drink! You will always find a cup  in my hand each morning!

What to know about Ms. Post

Hello! My name is Courtney Post and this is my 4th year teaching at Beck Middle. I am beyond excited to be in the classroom with students and teaching them ELA this year! 

I graduated from Columbia College (Go Koalas!) with a Bachelor's degree in English Education. Although this is only my 4th year teaching in middle school, I did teach in high schools previously. I have taught in other schools such as W.J. Keenan High School, Ridge View High School, Irmo High School, and E.L Wright Middle School in the Richland One, Richland Two, and Lex-Rich 5 School Districts. 

When I am not at school, I love to travel, take pictures, spend time with friends and family, and (of course) read a good book! 

I love being part of the Beck family and I can't wait to see what this school year has to offer! 

Please feel free to contact me at anytime! During school hours, calls will go directly to voicemail, but I will call you back within 24 hours. The best way to get in contact with me will be through email!

Email: || Phone: (864) 355-7571

Meet the teacher 22-23 (1).pdf