Teacher Resources

Welcome to the Library Learning Commons!

I'd love to work with you to make this year the best it can be. Check out our Collaboration Menu, and feel free to drop by any time, or call (7905) or email (sglenn@greenville.k12.sc.us) to set up a time to chat. You can also sign up for time slots on my Google Calendar to plan, have me work with your classes, or book the LLC for your class!

Please check out the Teacher Resources website to find tech tools and curriculum resources, curated and annotated to make your life easier!

Want to book time for Mrs. Glenn to work with your class, or plan with you? Book the Librarian.

Need help with Google? Cdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yf9Ni_ka8SzSDka_w3Ou7tMAwEHfeWGLGExnNZjaaKM/edit?usp=sharing lick on the link for tutorials on the following:

Slides, Sheets, Docs, Chromebooks, Jamboards, Drawings, Forms, Classroom, Calendar, Meet, Keep, and Digital Literacy