Chromebook Repair Policy and Procedures

Please see below important information and revisions to Riverside High School and Greenville County School's Repair Policy.

Chromebook Repair Warranty

The Lenovo Chromebooks that have been purchased by Greenville County School District are covered by a 3-year parts and labor warranty. This warranty covers the machines for hardware failures, such as:

- Chromebook will not charge or will not turn on.

- Chromebook's keyboard or touchpad is no longer working.

Students will also receive coverage for ONE incident of accidental damage per year. Examples include the following:

- Liquid spilled on or in the Chromebook.

- Drops, falls and other collisions.

- Damaged or broken LCD screen due to a drop.

*Please note, again, that students WILL NOT receive free repair coverage for more than one damaged or cracked screen per school year.

What the Technology Fee Does Not Cover

The following are examples of incidents not covered by the Lenovo warranty or Accidental Damage Protection. Should the following occur, the repair or replacement cost will need to be paid by the student and parent (s).

- Intentional damage resulting from abuse or vandalism.

- Loss, misplacement, or theft of the student's Chromebook

- Loss, misplacement, damage, or theft of the student's Chromebook charger.

In the event that the Chromebook assigned to a student should develop a technical problem or become damaged, the issue should be reported to Mr. Williams.

How to Report and Receive Tech Support:

Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook issued to them by the District. Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the Media Center (in person students) or to the closest career center (virtual program students).

In person students:
All repair requests will be processed by Mr. Williams in the Media Center during any of the lunches (11:30-12:50) and no later than 48 hours after the damage occurs. Failure to do so can result in the student being charged for the repair.

Virtual students:
For small issues, please contact the ETS Help Desk at 355-HELP. They will be able to walk you through basic troubleshooting. If ETS is unable to solve your issue, you should then take your Chromebook to your closest career center for a replacement device.

Chromebook Repair Hours:

-All three lunches

Students should NOT bring Chromebook issues to the Media Center during class time.

Chromebook Replacements

For minor repairs or first incident of accidental damage occurrence:

- Students will be issued a replacement Chromebook if one is available.

- This will be the Chromebook that the student will continue using throughout the school year.

- If there are no replacements available, the student will be notified when his or her Chromebook is ready to be picked up.

For uncovered repairs:

- Additional cracked screens, or any other damages, per school year will result in a bill for the repair costs

- Including full replacement costs of the Chromebook if applicable.

Students will not be issued any replacement until the repair costs have been paid in full.

Any replacement Chromebook is also subject to the same liabilities.