PHOTOGRAPHY SYLLABUS                                       Teacher : Mr. M Parker  


Photography students should check their Google Classroom links for class assignments when we are out school for any reason.

        1st. Semester                                                  2nd. Semester

                 1st. per. = Planning                              1st. per. = Planning

                 2nd. per. = Art 1                                    2nd. per. = Photography

                 3rd. per. = Art 1                                     3rd. per. = Art 3 + 4 Hon.

                 4th. per. = Art 1                                     4th. per. = Art 1

****  I will be available for questions 8:45-10:10 first semester and second semester during my planning on Mondays through Fridays.  During this time I will be available to answer questions from students and parents via email, Google Classroom etc.


            It is a pleasure to have your child in my class this semester.  Your child is enrolled in Photography.  In this class the student will learn the basic concepts of composition and artistically photographed images.  The student will also learn the basic mechanics and functions of a digital SLR camera.  The student will also spend time learning various digital photo editing processes such as Adobe Photoshop.  We will also spend time learning to talk about and critique photographs. The student will also learn the importance of photography and the role it plays in the world around them.

 *All students are expected to participate and follow class routine and procedures.

  *Class Routine

    1.Enter class quietly, take out materials and sit at assigned seats.

    2.The bell assignment is to be completed in the minutes before the tardy bell and         

       the first five minutes of class.

    3.The teacher will present the lesson beginning  with lecture and demonstration  

        and followed by studio time.

    4.After studio time the students will clean work stations and put away materials.

    5.The teacher will dismiss students at the end of class.

 Standards for Photography

Anchor Standard 1: I can use the elements and principles of art to create photographs.

Anchor Standard 2: I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make photographs.

Anchor Standard 3: I can improve and complete artistic photographs using elements and principles.

Anchor Standard 4: I can organize work for presentation and documentation to reflect specific content, ideas, skills, and or media.

Anchor Standard 5: I can interpret and evaluate the meaning of an photographs.

Anchor Standard 6: I can identify and examine the role of photography through history and world cultures.

Anchor Standard 7: I can relate photographic ideas to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.


            The students semester grade will come from the following three areas:

            1. Daily classroom participation and photographic projects....................60%

            2. Written assignments and test.......................30%

            3. Notes and Homework.........................10%

*Grading Scale:

A (90-100)               D (60-79)

B (80-89)                 F (59 or below)

C (70-79)


  All assignments will be turned in to the teacher either by hand or via chromebook. When a student is absent it is up to them to address with the teacher any makeup work and time allotted to do it.  When a student is out they may check the teacher’s weekly lesson plan to see what is being worked on in the class on any given day.  Late work will usually only be accepted with a 10 point a day deduction. 


Absences in High School are accrued per course.. Any absence in excess of 5 may cause the student to lose credit for a 90-day / semester course. Absences that are medical (doctor notes), bereavement, and/or Principal Approved are not included in the maximum absences.  Greer High students must be present a minimum of 45 minutes to be counted present.  See Student Handbook p. 11-12

TARDINESS : Refer to Student Handbook, p.13

Greer High School Makeup Policy

 At a minimum, students may receive up to 75% on minor assignments turned in 1 day late. 

At a minimum, students may receive up to 50% on minor assignments turned in 2 days late. 

This policy does not apply to students who are absent for instruction. When considering absences, teachers will assign a reasonable amount of time for students to make up assignments that does not exceed 5 days. 


The school will provide Digital cameras for the students to use during this course, however, please be aware that our numbers are limited so students will have to share.  If you or your child has a digital camera that they could use that would be great.  Some cameras you have may or may not have all the capabilities needed as we move into the more advanced techniques but most should work for some of the early assignments. Have your child bring the camera in and we can discuss its uses.  I also have the ability to lock up cameras from home if you should wish to leave the camera at school.

The camera the school uses is the Canon Rebel XT digital SLR with changeable lenses.


Please feel free to contact me anytime.

** If you have any questions my school phone number is 355-5763

     Or e-mail me at   -

If you would like to schedule a meeting I am available before or after school.