School Counseling Standards

Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success

The "ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student" describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to achieve academic success, college and career readiness and social/emotional development. Each standard has corresponding grade-level competencies that are specific, measurable expectations that students attain as they make progress toward the standards.

Category 1: Mindset Standards School counselors encourage the following mindsets for all students.

M 1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being M 2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed M 3. Sense of belonging in the school environment M 4. Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term career success M 5. Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes M 6. Positive attitude toward work and learning

Category 2: Behavior Standards Students will demonstrate the following standards through classroom lessons, activities and/or individual/small-group counseling.

Learning Strategies

B-LS 1. Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions B-LS 2. Demonstrate creativity B-LS 3. Use time-management, organizational and study skills B-LS 4. Apply self-motivation and self direction to learning B-LS 5. Apply media and technology skills B-LS 6. Set high standards of quality B-LS 7. Identify long- and short-term academic, career and social/ emotional goals B-LS 8. Actively engage in challenging coursework B-LS 9. Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to make informed decisions B-LS 10. Participate in enrichment and extracurricular activities

Self-Management Skills

B-SMS 1. Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility B-SMS 2. Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control B-SMS 3. Demonstrate ability to work independentlyB-SMS 4. Demonstrate ability to delay immediate gratification for long term rewards B-SMS 5. Demonstrate perseverance to achieve long- and short-term goals B-SMS 6. Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning B-SMS 7. Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem B-SMS 8. Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home and community activitiesB-SMS 9. Demonstrate personal safety skills B-SMS 10. Demonstrate ability to manage transitions and ability to adapt to changing situations and responsibilities

Social Skills

B-SS 1. Use effective oral and written communication skills and listening skills B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students B-SS 3. Create relationships with adults that support successB-SS 4. Demonstrate empathy B-SS 5. Demonstrate ethical decision making and social responsibility B-SS 6. Use effective collaboration and cooperation skillsB-SS 7. Use leadership and teamwork skills to work effectively in diverse teams B-SS 8. Demonstrate advocacy skills and ability to assert self, when necessary B-SS 9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment
American School Counselor Association (2014). Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student. Alexandria, VA: Author.