
Welcome to 

Freshman Academy! 

Classroom Rules 

In Ms. Bergmann's room, you want to make sure that you maintain your Five Star Rank! Keep your General status by keeping these expectations in mind...

S - Sincerely Engaged 

T - Thoughtful

A - Academically Dedicated 

R - Respectful 

R - Responsible 

A - Always Organized 

N - No Excuses 

K - Kind 

For more specifics, view the Google Doc below - Ms. Bergmann's Classroom Rules & Procedures

Bergmann Classroom Rules & Procedures


ELearning Expectations 

When you are at home during the week, please make sure to adhere to the following:

Google Meets 


1st Offense: Verbal Warning                                                

2nd Offense: Verbal Warning                                               

3rd Offense: Administrative Referral & call home to parent/guardian.

4th Offense: Administrative Referral & call home. 

Academic Dishonesty 

The GCVSP penalty for academic dishonesty is a ZERO on the assignment for the first infraction. 

2nd Infraction = Zero on Assignment & Administrative Referral 

Tardy Policy 

Offenses 1-3 = Teacher Warning 

Offenses 4+ = Discipline Referral & Call Home 

Freshman Academy LAte WOrk Policy 

Missing Work Policy Poster 2.pdf

Chromebook Etiquette