Why study Spanish?

The importance of Spanish

Why Study Spanish?

  • Spanish is the world's second most spoken language, after Chinese, and is the second most used language in international communication.

  • By 2030, 7.5% of the world's population will be native Spanish speakers, approximately 535 million people.

  • In 3 or 4 generations, it is estimated that 10% of the world's population will understand Spanish.

  • By 2050, the United States will become the country with the highest population of Spanish speakers.

  • 18 million students study Spanish as a foreign language.

  • Spanish is the mother tongue of approximately 426 million people in the world and is the official language in 21 countries (Mexico: 112 million, Colombia: 46 million, Spain: 46 million, Argentina: 40 million, Peru: 28 million, Venezuela: 27 million...).

  • Spanish is widely spoken as a native language in many other countries as well including: The United States: 37 million, Canada: 909,000, Brazil: 460,000, The Philippines: 439,000...

Why Learn Spanish? - US Economic Indicators...

  • The Latino market is one of the fastest-growing market segment in North America with over 52 million in the US. In the first quarter of 2012, they accounted for 11% of the total of $2.2 billion e-commerce purchases in the country. By 2015, their buying power is expected to reach 1.5 trillion.

  • 37 million US residents 5 years and older spoke Spanish at home in 2010, up from 17.3 million in 1990. That's an increase of nearly 20 million speakers in just 20 years!

  • Hispanics account for 60% or more of future US population growth. This has increased demand for Spanish language media: radio, television, newspapers, magazines and much more.

  • 12.8 % of the US population speaks Spanish.

  • 132.8 million: This projected Hispanic population of the United States by July 1, 2050, 30% of the nation's population.

  • $37,759: The median income of Hispanic households in 2010.

Why is Spanish Important? - Worldwide Economic Indicators...

  • "The world is rapidly becoming multilingual and Arabic and Spanish are both key languages of the future" said language researcher David Graddol, commenting on a report presented to the British Council.

  • From 2000-2010, 1 in 4 countries saw their Hispanic population double.

  • Learning Spanish will increasingly open doors to new job opportunities and trade internationally.

  • Latin American countries have been experiencing strong economic growth for years with an estimated GDP growth of 4.67 in 2011. This growth has been propelled by MERCOSUR and other trade, economic and political agreements such as NAFTA, Andean Community of Nations, The Central American Integration System (CACM), and the G3Free Trade Agreement.

Why Spanish? - Cultural Indicators...

  • The Hispanic culture continues to have global impact on culture, architecture, art and literature. These cultural indicators are everywhere with Cervantes' "Don Quijote de la Mancha", as the second most translated book in the world after the Bible, Picasso's "Nude, Green Leaves and Bust" painting as second most expensive painting ever sold, or Antoni Gaudi's influence on architecture.

  • Hispanic actors and singers are gaining worldwide recognition and fame.

  • Architects such as Santiago Calatrava, authors such as Garbriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende continue to achieve critical acclaim in their respective fields.

  • Visit our culture section to discover more influential Hispanic actors, singers, painters, architects and more.

Information taken from the following site: Don Quijote- http://www.donquijote.org/english/whyspanish.asp
