Class Descriptions

Español 1

In this course, students begin to expand their learning through activities in the Spanish language and culture. They will complete the study of basic grammar, grammatical syntax, and continue the development of the four skills using these structures and systematic review of the patterns. The four skills are reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Español 2

In this course students continue to develop the skills of understanding, reading, speaking, and writing Spanish. This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish I and have demonstrated the ability and desire to continue in the prescribed program of foreign language study. The fine points of Spanish grammar are studied in depth, and the class is conducted primarily in the target language.

Español 3

In this course students continue to develop the skills of understanding, reading, speaking, and writing Spanish. This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish I and have demonstrated the ability and desire to continue in the prescribed program of foreign language study. The fine points of Spanish grammar are studied in depth, and the class is conducted primarily in the target language.

Español IV Honores

This course will provide an advanced program for the development of language skills. The core of the course will provide common experience for language and a broader understanding of culture through reading in literature and civilization. The class is conducted primarily in the target language.


Español I CP- ninguna recomendación

Español II CP- recomendación del profesor de Español 1 CP y nota de 7o%

Español II CP Hon- recomendación del profesor de Español 1 CP y nota de 95%

Español III CP- recomendación del profesor de Español 2 CP y nota de 70%

Español III Honores- recomendación del profesor de Español 2 Hon y nota de 92%

Español IV Honores- recomendación del profesor de Español 3 honores y nota de 93%

AP- recomendación del profesor de Español 4 honores