This page contains general information about classroom grading policies.

Homework assignments: 

Homework assignments are due in class the following day. Homework may NOT be turned in for a late grade later that day or the next day. Homework may not be reworked and turned in to receive a higher grade. 

Homework is graded as 100, 50, or 0. 100 means the assignment is complete. 50 means the assignment is at least half complete but not fully complete. 0 means the assignment is less than half complete. Homework is generally graded for completeness and effort but may be taken up and graded for accuracy. 

Destinos: (Español 2)

Destinos is viewed in class. If the episode and quiz are missed in class, the student has to watch the episode outside of class and schedule the quiz BEFORE the next episode is shown. Please see the following webpage for more information click HERE.