Parent/Guardian Homework:

       Welcome to fourth grade, and most importantly to our class family!  I am so excited about this school year, and I am delighted that YOU are in our class!  I have so many wonderful things planned for all of us.  We will read some of my favorite books, and we will strive to use inquiry-based learning in all that we do.  Technology will help to enhance our learning with virtual experiences that will allow us to experience so many amazing places and people.  Most importantly, I look forward to creating a year of wonderful memories with all of you!  

As your child's fourth grade teacher, my goal is to provide your child with learning experiences that will provide the best opportunity for them to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.

In our fourth grade class, we will do our very best each day for ourselves, our family, and our community.  We will inquire, investigate and engage in learning that will prepare us for our future.

Office Hours: 7:15 AM -  2:45 PM

The BEST Time to reach Me is 1:30-2:30 PM. 
