Course Outline

Class Syllabus - Click here!

Welcome! Theatre 3H & 4H expands on the fundamentals of theatre including theatre history and styles, fundamental acting techniques, pantomime, voice, devising theatre, improvisation and ensemble work. Participation in the fall play or the viewing of a live theatre performance is required. Culmination of the course is a final play performance. *This is a performing arts class and performing is EXPECTED and REQUIRED.

Unit 1: Acting Technique: Students will develop a deeper understanding of the essential vocabulary, skills and processes actors use in training, rehearsing and performing. Students will prepare, rehearse and perform a variety of performances.

Unit 2: Pantomime and Movement: Students will further develop their skills in pantomime and movement and begin to apply what they are learning about their physical presence into their acting techniques practice.

Unit 3: Voice: Students will further develop their voices and begin to apply what they are learning about voice into their acting techniques practice.

Unit 4: Technical Theatre/Design: Students will deepen their understanding of technical theatre by applying the design process and creating artifacts for various technical aspects of imagined or actual productions. Students may step into various technical roles for co-curricular productions and events.

Unit 5: History: Students will deepen their understanding of history by exploring genre/style. Students will explore the Aristotelian elements of character, plot, theme, language, spectacle, and sound. Students will judge a live performance with an informed eye.

Unit 6: Devising Theatre: Students will develop their ability to devise original work through more challenging projects. Students will honor the process of creating and value the failures as learning experiences.

Unit 7: Theatre Production: Students will deepen their understanding of theatre roles and processes by applying the knowledge to a class production that replicates an audition, rehearsal, and performance model.


Tanner, Fran Averett. Basic Drama Projects 8th Ed. Logan, Iowa. Perfection Learning Corporation, 2009. Print.

Schanker, Harry and Ommanney, Katherine Anne. The Stage and School, 9th ed. New York, New York. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2005. Print

Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. New Directions Publishing. 1999. Print.Â