Classroom Management Policy

Dear parents/guardians,

As a teacher, my role is to teach your student(s). I LOVE that role. I want our classroom to be a place of learning, and I strive to make sure all students in my classroom have an opportunity to learn. In order to create a classroom environment conducive to learning, it is imperative that our classroom management program is in place and supported by parents at home.

Our classroom rules are as follows:

  1. Listen and follow directions

  2. Use hand signals and stay on task

  3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

  4. Respect your classmates, school, and teacher

Every time a a classroom rule is broken, a consequence is given. Our classroom consequences are as follows:

  1. Redirect (a verbal warning)

  2. Side Line (break in a specific area in classroom)

  3. Think Time (break in Calm Down Corner)

  4. Letter Home (letter home to parent that must be signed and returned)

The first thing I want you to know is that a redirect is not a bad thing. In my class, a redirect acts as the first warning. For example ,if your student is talking when I’m teaching, I will give them a redirect instead giving them a reminder to stop. I find that by doing this behavior starts to change immediately, because they know I will be consistent the first time and every time. In order to build and maintain trust with all students, I will be as consistent as possible.

I also want you to know that behavior is learned and can be changed. Children’s brains are so moldable. I expect all students to adhere to our classroom rules and rise to meet our classroom expectations. It is imperative that these rules are followed so I can preserve a positive classroom environment and give all students access to learning.


Ms. Brubaker