Literacy in Health & PE

Literacy in Physical Education and Health Education

The term literacy often makes a connection to reading and writing; however, it has a broader definition that refers to having knowledge related to a specific subject. Literacy as a construct (an idea or theory) is driven by context (subject or setting), and to be literate in a specific topic, a person must learn about that topic.

Physical Literacy

Physical literacy is the ability to move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person. Physical literacy is the ability, confidence, and desire to be physically active for life.

How Does Physical Literacy Connect to Physical Education and Physical Activity?

Physical education (PE) develops the physically literate individual through deliberate practice of well-designed learning tasks that allow for skill acquisition in an instructional climate focused on mastery.

During physical education class, students practice the knowledge and skills they have learned through physical activity (PA), which is defined as any bodily movement that results in energy expenditure.

Health Literacy

Health is the ability to access, understand, appraise, apply and advocate for health information and services in order to maintain or enhance one's own health and the health of others.

Health literacy is an important measure of the effectiveness of health education and is critical to ensuring that students have the ability to be healthy throughout their lives.

Health-literate people are able to address their own health needs along with the needs of others. They are able to obtain and apply knowledge and skills to enhance their own health and the health of others — both now and in the future as their needs change throughout their lives.