C3 Bulldog time


Formerly known as Advisory, C3 Bulldog Time is a homeroom where students will be able to congregate each morning for thirty minutes. This is where students will receive critical information and upcoming dates, such as forms, grades, rules, regulations, and other general information for League Academy.

Additionally, this will also be a period of enrichment where students can improve their literacy, math, and social-emotional skills!


The School Handbook is where you can find majority of the school and district-wide policies in regards to personal devices, dress code, and much more!

For specific class policies, please refer to the "Procedures & Policies' page.

League Technology

Personalized Learning

Our vision is for League Academy to be a blended learning environment where technology and traditional methods enhance teaching and learning and where teachers and students utilize technology fluidly to collaborate, communicate, create, and think critically. Our goal as educators is to provide opportunities and supports for students to develop digital literacy.

As a result, League is a one-to-one school, meaning that every student will be assigned and expected to take care of a Chromebook for the school year. Students should bring these to school each day, fully charged to use for instructional purposes only. Please refer to the guidelines for further information.


Being an Art Magnet, we consider the arts to be an integral part of learning! As a result, Greenville County Schools (GCS) and the Metropolitan Arts Council (MAC) are partnered through a program, known as SmartARTS, that works toward integrating the arts with all areas of education. Students, artists, and teachers are able to connect and collaborate in a meaningful way through this learning and self-awareness process.

Check out their website and the video to the left to see what they're accomplishing both at League and our neighboring schools!

Capturing Kids' Hearts

The Capturing Kids’ Hearts process has dramatically elevated the academic and behavioral standards for millions of students in thousands of classrooms across America, including League Academy.

The research-based process called Capturing Kids’ Hearts improves the five key indicators of school performance:






Find out more about how we've woven these foundational practices into our school by going to their website or watching this video.