Important Info

Late Work

If you need to turn in a late assignment, you will need to complete this form to notify your teacher/s that you have done so.  The purpose of this form is to alert your teacher/s when you complete ANY work that was to be turned in on Classroom OR work that is simply DIGITAL.  

(This includes photos of written work, snip images of Quizlets completed, etc.)  

We will receive an email alert that you have completed this form so that we can credit you for your late work. This form is also available on Classroom.

Late Work Form 6th             Late Work Form Spanish 1               Late Work Form Spanish 2

Makeup Work

If you miss an assessment or assignment which CANNOT be completed outside of class, you will need to arrange a time to meet with your teacher.  If you miss notes, FIRST copy any notes missed from a friend IF POSSIBLE and AFTER completing this, check with the teacher to see if office hours are necessary. 


Homework generally consists of vocabulary practice using a site such as Quizlet or watching a video that previews a topic for the next class. If you do NOT have assigned homework, you should spend 10-15 minutes reviewing notes, practicing on Quizlet, etc.

Dictionary vs. Translator Usage

You are allowed to use Spanish/English dictionaries when needed.  We recommend the website & app for use at home and at school.  Please be aware that you are NOT allowed to use translation sites or services at any time. (THAT MEANS GOOGLE TRANSLATE IS NOT ALLOWED - even to "check your work" or "see if what you wrote was right.")  If  you use a translation site or service to complete your work, that work is considered PLAGIARIZED, as the work is not original to you, and you will receive all 3 CTC consequences for plagiarism:

                    1. An automatic 50 on the original assignment.  The expectation is that the student will re-do the assignment for a grade no higher than a 50.

                    2. Office Referral

                    3.  Parent Contact

        WHY??  A bilingual dictionary tells you what a word is in another language and indicates its part of speech, whereas a translation site will convert multiple words at a time while attempting to use proper grammar in their usage.  Frequently, these sites are wrong – remember that these are computers and they can’t intuit your meaning.  Also, allowing a computer to decide on the appropriate grammar, word order, etc. to use for a statement is considered cheating, just as having another person write for you is cheating.  

It is also important to remember that when you turn in work that was produced in part or in whole by a translation site, it will use grammatical concepts you have not been taught and that are above your level.  This is VERY APPARENT  to the teacher when you do this.  The PURPOSE of your assignments is to show how you use concepts we are learning and working on mastering, NOT to produce work that is not your own to sound like a native speaker.

Plagiarism & Cheating

All students are expected to sign the plagiarism pledge/contract at the beginning of the year.  Please understand that this applies across the board to ALL classes.  Plagiarism includes copying and translating from a site or another students' work.  Cheating would include allowing a family member or friend to complete your work or to supply you with answers.  Both cheating and plagiarism will result in the consequences mentioned in the plagiarism contract and above.