Grading Policy

In 6th grade we are working with the building blocks of the Spanish language, as well as prepping for Spanish 1 in 7th grade. There are lots of in-class projects and activities, as well as tests and quizzes. Minimal homework is sent home, but there is an occasional project to be completed at home. Students should however, be spending 5-15 minutes DAILY on their vocabulary.


Grading Scale:       100-90 A       89-80 B       79-70 C      69-60 D      59-50 F

Minor Assessments - 50% (Quizzes = 30% & Classwork = 20%)

Interpretive Tasks - one-way listening or reading such as a news broadcast

Interpersonal Tasks - two-way speaking activity such as interview or debate

Presentational Tasks - formal speaking or writing activity for an audience  such as advertisement, speech or essay

**Announced quizzes in all categories count twice, while class work and pop quizzes count once.

Major Assessments - 50% (3-4 per quarter)

Interpretive Tasks  - one-way listening or reading such as a news broadcast

Interpersonal Tasks - two-way speaking activity (unscripted) such as interview or debate

Presentational Tasks - formal speaking or writing activity for an audience  such as advertisement, speech or essay