
Reading is our THANG! It's why we LOVE our subject. Books are seriously our favorite things, and we want you to develop a LOVE for reading (if you haven't already) while you're in middle school at CTC. Let us know what books you love, and we will recommend other books that you will love just as much or more.

Not sure what to read next? Try this website, as it can help you find books you will LOVE to read! What Should I Read Next?

Literary Terms - this website is amazing for learning literary terms, elements, and devices! Check it out!

Read this article.



In order to begin to move up the continua of critical and creative thinking the one that Ms. Newell created) towards becoming an autonomous, independent thinker, one of the main skills we want you to develop is that of 'RESISTING CLOSURE'.

'RESISTING CLOSURE' essentially means that, if something we study, discuss, read, or even just mention in class, piques your interest or sparks an idea, we want you to seek out MORE about that topic, that issue, that question, that answer.

This may mean conducting research, reading MORE books, articles, poems, research studies by that author, viewing a documentary or watching films centered around that topic, listening to podcasts on that concept, and the list could go on and on. Once you've acquired MORE knowledge on the issue, then you must decide what to do/how to act on this new information. Do you:

  • Do nothing?
  • Let it simmer?
  • Share your new knowledge?
  • Create something new?
  • Write something about what you learned?

Hopefully, RESISTING CLOSURE on an issue will take you down a path of CURIOSITY that increases your sense of autonomy on an issue. Please let us know if we can help you on your QUEST to RESIST CLOSURE! On our Google Classrooms, we will add RESISTING CLOSURE ideas under each topic in the Stream page. These ideas may include a list of other works by a particular author, reviews on books we've read, a list of films and articles related to the book or topic we studied, and any number of other ideas that may help you discover MORE about the topic(s) that interest you. You are more than welcome to add to our list as you go down your own rabbit hole of curiosity and investigation! In fact, your ideas are probably going to be much better than ours, so add away and thanks in advance for helping us out!