College and Career Corner

All students are exploring careers and career clusters in classroom guidance lessons this month.

We are learning why adults get jobs (to earn money to pay for our needs and wants).  We learn that many jobs fit our interests and/or strengths.

We learn about the 16 career clusters and discover which sorts of careers might be a great fit for our personality!

We learn how what we learn in school every day connects to a job we will have in the future.

We learn that being on time, being able to get along with others, being responsible, and having a strong work ethic will help us in our career.

Our newest friends, Chester and Fluffy have joined Humphrey and Cooper to help our students learn more about careers.  Children can "adopt" Humphrey the Hamster, Chester the raccoon, Fluffy the porcupine, or Cooper the dog for the night or the weekend.  They are invited to introduce their pet to someone "on the job".  They can take a picture or draw a picture (or write) about the job their animal met.  For example, students have taken Fluffy to meet a hairdresser, Cooper to watch the soccer coach, Chester to learn from the cashier at the grocery store, and Humphrey has even stolen away to Della Ventura's restaurant.

Here in elementary school we sometimes wonder, "Why do we need to learn multiplication tables?"  "When will I ever need to add fractions?"  "Why on earth do we practice the writing process so much?" 

The answer to these questions and more can be found on "College and Career Corner" (ding!).  This BVTV show focuses on college, the world of work, and connecting what we learn in school each day to our future careers.  

If you have a college or career you would like to spotlight on "College and Career Corner", stop by my room!  I will give you the research form to help you prepare.  I can help you with the research if you need it.  Then, you can even present your choice of a College or a Career on BVTV news.  Tune in every Tuesday morning for the week's spotlight!


College and Career Corner Research Form


**Name and Homeroom Teacher:


**What College or Career are you going to present?


**If you are presenting a career, what school subjects relate to this career? (circle your answers)

Math science   reading

social studies   art   music   PE   guidance


**What preparation/planning do you need for this college or career?

(What do you have to do to be ready for this college or this career?  For example, if you are going to be a firefighter, you first graduate from high school.  Then, you would attend firefighter academy.  A firefighter must be physically fit.  You must be responsible, brave, and healthy.)



**What is a FUN FACT about this college or career?



**Where could students learn more about this college or career?

(Is there a special book or website you would recommend?  Could students learn from friends and family?  Could they go somewhere to watch the career in action?)


Each classroom counseling lesson also incorporates components that will help our students be successful in their future college or career.  Specific lessons focus on career exploration, learning styles, and career inventories.

Our teachers provide the largest daily focus on College and Career success.  From classroom jobs, special projects, Junior Achievement, and daily interactions, teachers help connect what students learn in school each day to their future goals for college and the amazing jobs they will have when they grow up!