Virtual Tutoring

Hughes Academy Virtual Tutoring

Hughes Academy is going to be offering virtual tutoring this year. All students whether “brick and mortar” or virtual are eligible for the service. Tutoring sessions are tentatively scheduled to begin the week of October 2nd, 2020. Sessions will be held via Google Meets Monday through Friday on your student’s e-Learning days beginning at 1:00 PM and ending at 3:15. Tutoring sessions will be conducted in 30 minute blocks of time. To receive tutoring services you must submit the Tutoring Request Form located on the Hughes Academy school counselor page by the Friday before the requesting week. Students with five or more NHIs in the subject they are requesting tutoring in, will be required to submit their missing assignments to their teacher before being tutored. Upon completion of each tutoring session students will be asked to complete a tutoring evaluation form. All Hughes Academy virtual tutors are Level 2 volunteer certified. By signing this letter you are giving your student permission to engage in tutoring services with an adult outside of the Greenville County School System.

Virtual Tutoring Forms

Parent Letter:

Tutoring Request Form: