Student Behavior Expectations

Student behavior in high school takes on an entirely different level of importance from what students have been used to up until now. We know that there is an adjustment period and that 14-15 year-olds are still learning, growing and maturing.  With that in mind, we still expect students entering the 9th grade to behave as adolescents that seek to follow instructions and direction.  We also expect our students to be teachable as we approach every situation in ways that grow trust in teachers, counselors, and administrators as having their best interest in mind when we address misbehavior and provide appropriate disciplinary consequences and support.  Parent/guardian support at this age is critical in making progress to that end.

Please see below for the Berea Believes pamphlet which provides a quick read on important aspects of high school student success. 

SMARTPASS- Students make academic progress when time with their teacher in the classroom is maximized. Unfortunately, students sometimes spend crucial learning time out of class. Our school wide Hallway Management System ensures students are allowed to leave the classroom when they need to, within a system of accountability, clarity, order, and safety.  Please see below for more information. 

Use of Electronic Devices- Cellphones

Students can use their phone at lunch and between classes in the hallway provided they are not talking on the phone.

Devices should remain on silent or on vibrate as phones are not allowed to make noise during the school day.

Students using electronic devices in class without permission from their teacher, will be directed to stop using the phone and to put it away (warning).

* If the student refuses to follow the teacher directive, the teacher can request to hold the phone in a safe, locked location in the classroom until the end of class.