Attendance & Graduation Requirements

Students must be in school to succeed in school!!

Frequently Asked Questions about student attendance:

Q: How many days can I miss?

A: A student can have no more than 5 unexcused absences in a semester class and 3 in a quarter class.  Any unexcused absence over 5 will require the student to complete seat time recovery. If you student is absent from school, he/she should bring documentation to the attendance office upon returning to school.  Attendance office opens at 7:45 AM.

Q: What is seat time recovery?

A: Students are required by state law to have a certain amount of “seat time” in a class.  If a student accrues more than 5 unexcused absences, they will be required to pay a fee and attend seat time recovery sessions after normal school hours.  Seat time recovery dates will be released at a later date.

Q: What do I do if I need an early dismissal?

A: Students should turn in a note to the attendance office stating the time and reason for the early dismissal.  The note must contain a phone number to contact the parent or guardian. If the phone number does not match with our information in PowerSchool, the early dismissal will be denied causing the parent or guardian to physically check their child out and update student records.