How to Improve Your Grades

How to Improve Your Grades

1. Keep track of your assignments - use a calendar and write down all daily assignments, quizzes, tests, and project due dates.

2. Turn off your phone or at least keep it on silent - keep your phone out of sign during classes to avoid being distracted. Turn off your notifications off or put it in a different room while you are doing homework or studying.

3. Organize your binder - Every week on Sunday remove any papers you don't need and keep them at home. Refill paper and use file dividers to keep your notes and assignments in order.

4. Take notes to the best of your ability. Read over your notes at home daily.

5. Complete all of your assignments and turn them in on time.

6. Study for tests 3-4 days ahead of time when you have advanced notice. Rewrite vocabulary words, make flashcards or Quizlets, study with friends or family members, rework math problems, review the textbook, notes and quizzes to prepare. Check your teachers' websites and look back at notes or presentations in Google classroom.

7. Meet with your teachers during their extra help time before/after school or during flex . Attend Google meetings and ask questions.

8. Visit if you want to see videos explaining different topics. This site is especially good for seeing math problems worked out and explained. Ask your teachers for other online resources they recommend.

A Word on Tutoring

RHS doesn't endorse any particular tutoring companies; there are many great ones in our area! If you need a list of RHS students who tutor or adults in our area that tutor, please see Mrs. Rogers in the counseling office or email her at