Feeling supported helps us fly
AMBASSADORS and donors of time or funds
Marjan Minnesma
Our ambassador and strategic advisor on
impact of societal interventions
"The Founding Good Foundation is doing important work that has positive impact on society. That's why I am ambassador." Marjan Minnisma
Director of Urgenda
Winner of climate law suit against the state and many other sustainability initiatives. Multiple winner of the Green Top 100 (sustainability leaders) of The Netherlands.
Our ambassador and strategic advisor on
impact of nutritional interventions
"Greendish, the first start-up launched by Stichting Founding Good has had significant impact on the sustainability transition in the restaurant and catering business" Jaap Seidell
Professor of nutrition and health at VU
Program Manager Diagnosis Nutrition & Health at the Vrije Universiteit. Board member and advisor of the Dutch government and many health related initiatives.
Martijn van Beek
Our ambassador and strategic advisor on
impact of health care interventions
Founder Voeding Leeft!
Has ensured that his innovative lifestyle program Reverse Diabetes2 (Keer Diabetes om) was included in the health insurance package in the Netherlands, which is proven to work effectively for type 2 diabetes.
Jeroen Roeloffzen
Our ambassador and strategic advisor on sustainable consulting business operations
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) & Impact investor
Impact maker at
Park&Charge and Nuna Energy
How to support us?
How to become a donor?
You are only 3 steps away from making a big impact!
Choose your donation destination: The Founding Good Foundation or one of the focus funds: Healthy People, Healthy Food, or Healthy Planet. You can even target your donation to a specific project of your interest. Our supervisory board and accountant monitor this for you.
Choose your donation destination: The Founding Good Foundation or one of the focus funds: Healthy People, Healthy Food, or Healthy Planet. You can even target your donation to a specific project of your interest. Our supervisory board and accountant monitor this for you.
We set up the donation agreement for you that is eligible for tax deduction.
We turn your donation into impact and keep you updated.
We turn your donation into impact and keep you updated.
You can support us TAX free
Businesses are able to donate 50% of there annual profit (up to €100.000) and deduct the donation from their profits and taxes (VPB belasting).
Individuals can also donate and deduct the donation from their income taxes. Between 1-10% of their income for one-time donations, and up to €250.000 for structural donations.
Please contact us to contribute like this! 'We kunnen het leuker én makkelijker maken voor u' ;-)