What Could Be

an exploration of possible futures

Generated through community workshops on how to use science fiction to plan for long-term climate change impacts, WHAT COULD BE shares video and audio windows into what life might become. Facilitated by urbanist Johanna Hoffman, the work is an iteration of science fiction prototyping, a type of speculative futures tool for envisioning, evaluating, and creating potential worlds.

Floating Air Filters

Decentralized Microgrids

Self-constructing Buildings

Supported Nomadic Living

Intelligent Materials

Solar Power Shade Panels

Piezoelectric Ground

Biodegradable Buildings

Bioluminescent Lighting

Edible Cities

Pedestrian-scale Streets

Grief Centers

Vertical Urban Farms

Multi-use Highways

Each linked speculative futures page above is a space for you to explore the visions shown in the WHAT COULD BE installation. You can find short lists of resources on each future, associated research, and action items you can take to address the underlying issues that inspired them as well.

These futures were developed in part by asking two questions – ‘what if?’ and ‘why not?’ Together, they can be helpful ways of sparking dialogue about the array of future trajectories we can create and how we might make them real. The ‘what if?’ questions used to shape the futures are shared in the text of each page. Included information and action items are ways of asking ‘why not?’ and making moves to translate the theoretical into the practical.