Loom for Staff


Loom is a video recording tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable videos. With Loom, you can record your camera, microphone, and desktop simultaneously. Your video is then instantly available to share.

Use Loom to pre-record short lessons, create libraries of how-to videos, provide instant video feedback for your students, and much more.

Must Knows

  • There's a Loom Chrome Extension, and a Loom Desktop app for Windows. The Chrome extension can be used on any device, and has almost all of the same features as the Windows app. All of our materials are for the Chrome extension, and it's what we recommend in almost all cases. Staff can add the Loom extension to Chrome by using the link here.

  • Loom is a tool for GCSD staff to use to create videos to share with anyone, including students. However, at this time, it is not a tool for GCSD students to use to create their own videos.

  • As a teacher, you have the full, "Pro" version of Loom permanently. See here for more information and to verify your account as an educator.

  • If you do not change a specific setting on each video you make, any viewer will be able to attach anonymous, unmoderated comments to them. Please follow the instructions in this short video.


  • When making a screen-recording intended for students, consider leaving your camera on. Including the small video of you layered on top of your instructional video makes it more personal.

  • Use Loom to create quick, personalized video feedback for your students about their own work.

  • Rename the videos after you create them.

  • By default, Loom videos are accessible to anyone with the link. Don't store videos on Loom that have sensitive information. You can download videos like that to Drive, then delete from Loom, to better control access to them.


  • Loom's outstanding support resources can be found by clicking here.

  • Please reach out to your ITT with any questions.