MBLC Schools

The MBLC is a network of 20+ founding member schools across Washington State.

What’s happening in MBLC schools?

Students are training to become expert learners who can show what they know and can do in a variety of ways, including project-based learning, performance tasks, and more traditional assessments. Along the way to meeting and exceeding grade-level expectations, learners receive responsive feedback and support based on their interests and needs. This model of instruction, which honors students’ assets and cultural backgrounds, has been shown to help close opportunity gaps—and to foster growth mindset, a positive learning identity, and a sense of belonging and value in school.

Adults are also actively learning—about clear and aspiration learning outcomes for students, rubrics/proficiency scales as tools for learning (not just for grading!), cultural competence, educational equity, rigorous hands-on learning and assessment, grading for accuracy and equity, and more. Member school educator teams engage in frequent professional learning and networking opportunities that include informational webinars, professional learning communities, and community gatherings. Schools across the MBLC are already sharing promising practices and resources.