PBE Video Series

The PBE Video Series offers a NO COST, self-paced, online professional development opportunity for educators and a set of resources for anyone interested in learning about place-based education.

Discovering PLACE Place-based Education (PBE) Video Series

The video series “...provides a broader interpretation of place-based education along with practical examples.” It was made possible thanks to a grant from the Saginaw Bay Watershed Initiative Network (WIN) and the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative and  is coordinated through the Office of Engaged Learning and the Office of Online and Digital Learning at the University of Michigan-Flint.

 Two options allow viewers the choice to accessing the PBE Video Series as professional development offering to receive SCECHs (Option 1) or to view the series without credit (Option 2).  To see an introduction to place-based education, view this short clip featuring segments from Video 1 and Video 7 of the PBE Video Series.

Option 1: Complete the video series as a professional development opportunity to receive State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) from the Michigan Department of Education 

Teachers are able to complete the PBE Video Series at no cost to receive 4.0 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) through the Michigan Department of Education. This option is also available for individuals that do not require SCECHs but who would like to officially demonstrate that they viewed and completed the Place-based Education (PBE) Video Series.

Choose this option to:

Directions on how to register to complete the PBE Video Series for SCECHs.

*** This option is not currently available as we transition to a new platform for online learning. It is anticipated that the PBE Video Series will again be offered at no cost for SCECHs credit in 2024. ***

Option 2: Watch the video series without credit

Choose this option if:

The PBE Video Series is available to view on VIMEO

Watch the PBE Video Series

PBE Video Series Topics and Presenters