26 June 2020

Dear Parents

Welcome to another jammed packed edition of the News Roundup. This time round we have changed the order of some of the articles, so do make sure you read until the very end so you don't miss anything!

Those of you who have been coming to school would have noticed our incredible playground markings. They have transformed the playgrounds (along with the wonderful plants and hedging that has been planted along the paths). A big THANK YOU for your donations and raising the money to enable this to happen. Please read the GPPSA section to find out what more you can do to help. You will notice that the GPPSA logo has been redesigned and it looks great!

It's really exciting that that we have launched our very own TWITTER account today! Please do follow us to keep updated on what's going on at the school.

It is amazing how well the children who have been coming into school have settled and adapted to the new routines and practices. Having reviewed our risk assessment to identify whether we have the capacity to welcome back any additional year groups we are pleased to invite selected children from additional year groups, part time. However unfortunately we do not have the capacity to invite back whole year groups before September. We are organising ways to support the children with transitions at the end of the year and I will send some more information about this next week. You may have heard that the Governments plans for reopening of schools next academic year will be published next week and they are hoping that all children will return to school by September. We will let you know more about plans for September once we have had the opportunity to formulate a plan. In the meantime we will continue to support you and the children in anyway we can.

Julie Cowley, play leader, is sadly leaving us on Monday. She's been working at Grange Park for 20 years, before that her children came here and she even came here as a child. Your smile and various shades of multicoloured hair will be missed Julie!

With my very best wishes to you and your families.

Tijen Hassan


Curriculum news


We are going live with our very own Twitter page today! As most of you know, Twitter is the place to go to for creating and sharing ideas with up to date information. It’s a good way for the school community to engage. We are very excited about this launch so please follow us: @grangeparkelt! Click on image to the left to take you straight to our page.

Keeping children safe

Physical and mental wellbeing

Please do advise us of any changes regarding your child's physical or mental wellbeing that we should know of, preferably before they return. Let us know, even if you are not sure it is relevant or significant – the more information we have about your child, the better we can support them.

Negative experiences and distressing life events, such as the current circumstances, can affect the mental health of children and their parents. We will endeavour to ensure appropriate support is in place for children. In partnership with parents, we will work to identify those who might need some temporary or more long term additional support and put this in place.

Staff working with children are also aware and have been updated on the possible impact current circumstances can have on the mental health of children (and their parents), who are continuing to work from home, including when setting expectations of learning. Space and time will being given in the curriculum to consider children’s thoughts, feelings and emotions to support them to understand and process these. Please click on the images below for help and support.

Going to school

Staying at home

Mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness challenge cards

imoves - look out for hip-hop dance this week!

Go noodle

Online safety

Whilst more children return to school, others will continue to stay at home and, in many cases, will be continuing to engage with Google Classroom. At Grange Park, we continue to consider the safety of children working online. We will be vigilant to ensure that use of online learning tools and systems is in line with privacy and data protection requirements. Children who are being asked to work online know how to raise any concerns. Please continue to remind children to do this and do monitor their use, as the News Roundup article also reinforced. Please click on the images below for more helpful advice.

Thank you so much for your continuing support of the school and of your children’s education. Please click on the images below which you will hopefully find helpful, and do also contact us via phone or email if you have any concerns or questions regarding safeguarding at Grange Park during this time.

Remote learning for children - 10 top tips

Remote learning for parents - 10 top tips

Online safety tips for parents


Last academic year, we invited the NSPCC – which stands for National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children – into our school. They delivered assemblies, worked with children of all ages in an age appropriate way in key stage workshops to share what children can do to stay safe; what the charity does to help children keep safe, and also what schools can and should do to keep children safe too. Please click image to left to visit the NSPCC website.

The NSPCC explained some of the important work they do and let us know about a well-known service they run called ‘Childline’ – a phone line that children can call confidentially if they are in any kind of trouble. We now have posters up around the school that remind children of this number, should they need help and not feel confident to tell anyone else about what is troubling them.

NSPCC also shared with children how they could support the charity to raise funds to continue the great work they do to help so many young people. Classes ran their own sponsored ‘Danceathon’ at the same time on the same date – on 14 June, 2019 - for a non-stop thirty minutes; even the teachers joined in! One Year 6 teacher was quoted as saying:

“A super duper afternoon!! After the year 6’s got over their image issues we boogied!”

After this school-wide event, children collected money from family and friends and raised altogether from this amount alone an incredible total of: £1,901.87

What an incredible amount - and a great joint act of kindness from Grange Park children and families.


(Remember, in an emergency, always call 999)

#Goldilocks - A hashtag Cautionary Tale


All about the perils of social media; most people can relate to this book but this tale is specifically for the younger ones, its a modern twist on a classic tale. In the UK, half of children aged 11 and 12 years old have a social media profile and are exposed to the likes of Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. This is a useful book that not only engages young minds but is a perfect and fun way for parents to discuss the topic. Please read this PDF of the book by clicking on the small arrow to the right of the cover.

Social distance in playground

Thank you to all the parents who are following the social distancing guidelines when coming into school.

We would like to remind parents of the following guidelines regarding social distancing at drop off and collection times:

  • There will be a queuing system with floor markings, cones and signs to manage this where necessary.

  • Members of staff will be on duty in designated points (adhering to social distancing) to monitor the flow of parents and children and ensure social distancing is adhered to.

  • In order to reduce the number of people on the school site, in the interest of infection control, parents will no longer be able to gather in the playground to talk to other parents. Please do not arrive too early to drop off or collect your child in order to prevent this.

  • Please ensure that when walking along the paths that you keep the queue flowing and do not stop to talk to other parents as this will block the entrance for other parents.

  • Also please follow the one way system that is in place.

  • Parents should come into the school buildings only when strictly necessary, by appointment only.

The health and safety of children and staff of the utmost importance and we would appreciate your assistance with this.

Other information

Let’s keep Grange Park sustainable

What is Sustainable Gastronomy?

On 18 June was Sustainable Gastronomy day.

Gastronomy is sometimes called the art of food. It can also refer to a style of cooking from a particular region. In other words, gastronomy often refers to local food and cuisine. Sustainability is the idea that something (e.g. agriculture, fishing or even preparation of food) is done in a way that is not wasteful of our natural resources and can be continued into the future without being detrimental to our environment or health.

Sustainable gastronomy, therefore, means cuisine that takes into account where the ingredients are from, how the food is grown and how it gets to our markets and eventually to our plates.

What does this mean to us - try and buy food that has been sourced sustainably and has a low carbon footprint. Always check to see where the food you buy has been imported from and try and buy seasonal, home grown food to lower the impact on the environment. Click on image to left to calculate your food miles.

Solidarity assembly

Last week, children from across the school were given either an assignment, a story to read or an assembly to access to help them reflect on the Black Lives Matter protests that are occurring across the globe.

It is such an important and complex topic but one that is essential for the children to understand.

It has been amazing to read some of the children’s reflections - all illustrating the school’s values of respect for diversity. It has also been amazing to see some of the children’s mature approach to the topic, asking insightful questions, demonstrating a desire for change and trying to understand the history. We are so proud of the children for this and hope that these sorts of conversations will continue.

Please click on images below to read 'The day you begin' and the Blue Peter website where the presenters talk about their experiences of racism.

Book fundraising

As you may remember, before lockdown the school was in the middle of a fundraising effort to raise enough money to restock the library with a range of new and inspiring texts. We had raised £2,000 which was fantastic, but we are still far from our target of £5,000 to get enough books to fill the shelves.

One way we had managed to raise this money was through hosting book fairs where the provider would give us a percentage of the sales to spend on books from them. A Scholastic book fair had to be cancelled due to the lockdown but we do still have an account with them. If you are planning to purchase any books for your children in the future, please consider getting them from the Scholastic website (Please click on image on left) as the school will still get a percentage of the sales. Please also encourage others to do the same.

Enfield libraries' Kindness Writing Competition

Winner from Puma class

Hannah, Puma class

We are pleased to announce that Hannah's poem came joint first place in the 7-11 year old category. You will see that the poem is a true reflection of kindness and will put a smile on your face - well done Hannah!

World Music Day

Sunday 21 June was World Music Day!

Here at Grange Park, the children have been busy making their own music. Here are some raps from year 6 written during the first week of lock down way back in May.

Freya, Picasso

Stuck in the house, got nothing to do

Can’t wait to get out to see all of you

Always playing with my little sis

Counting the days down till I see you miss

Zoe, Picasso

Don't touch me please

We can do a handshake with our knees

We’re stuck in lockdown

And everything is shut down

I’m alone in my room

Do ya wanna call me on zoom?

Social distance, two metres

I drink water, two litres

Wash your hands with soap

I would really find that dope

I miss my friends

I hope our friendship never ends

I’m always on my phone

And always playing warzone

I’m trapped at home

Staring at that weird gnome

I hope you like my bars

They’re amazing like the stars

Max, Lowry

Yo, I am rhyming on this beat

I ain’t a yeti, don’t have big feet

I am just a boy, I play it calm

Wake up on Monday and hear my alarm

Down at 9, Joe wicks on the telly

Shower at 10 so I’m not smelly!

Google classrooms straight after that

Got to get on, no time to chat:-)

Enjoying singing and playing guitar at home.

In Year 1 children have been singing songs online and learning how to make their own music on kitchen pots and pans!

African drums made at home after watching an instructional video.

Year 2 have been learning about African rhythms for their Mad about Madagascar topic.

Good news central

National Picnic Week

The change in weather could not have come at a better time. This week is officially National Picnic Week!

Children from across the school have been set the challenge to design their favourite picnic and/or to host their very own (taking social distancing into account). We cannot wait to see some of the photos. remember to look out for these in the next edition!

Having a picnic in the sun

Enjoying their picnic at the beach!

A lovely poem for the time...

Smile by Spike Milligan

Smiling is infectious

You can catch it like the flu

When someone smiled at me today

I started smiling too

I walked around the corner

And someone saw me grin

When he smiled I realised

I had passed it on to him

I thought about the smile

And then realised its worth

A single smile like mine

Could travel round the earth

So if you feel a smile begin

Don’t leave it undetected

Start an epidemic

And get the world infected

We are absolutely loving the good news articles released on the First News website and we thoroughly recommend you take a look. The latest article reported on the fantastic achievement of nine-year-old Tobias Weller who has raised £92,000!

First News - Positivity Place

A nine year old boy with cerebral palsy has raised more than £92,000 by completing a marathon with his walker.

Tobias Weller walked a total of 26.2 miles on the streets near his home in Sheffield by doing 750 metres at a time, after being inspired by Captain Tom Moore. He smashed his original target of £500 on his way to raising such a huge sum, which will be split between his school, Paces, and Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

Tobias told Sky News: “I’m chuffed to bits to raise loads of money. Other children who aren’t as lucky as me can benefit from the money that’s been raised.”

His mum, Ruth Garbutt, gave him a well-earned medal as he crossed the finish line at the end of his marathon. Well done, Tobias!

Times Tables Rock Stars

Here are the results of the battles on Times Tables Rock Stars. Upcoming fixtures can be found on your child’s class stream. As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we will be participating in London Rocks 2020. It starts on Monday 22 June and finishes on Friday 26 June. Only points earned between 14:00 and 19:00 on each of those days will count, with the class in London with the highest average score receiving a prize.


Upcoming battles

Family results

Sporting update

Last week the children took part in the Grange Park bowling challenge. The children sent in photos and videos of them completing the challenge.

Well done to everyone that took part!


News and Updates

We are the official fundraising arm of Grange Park Primary and look to bring parents, families, friends, staff and local communities together socially to support our school.


We are the official fundraising arm of Grange Park Primary School and look to bring parents, families, friends, staff and local communities together socially to support our school.

2019/20 TARGETS

So far this school year we have raised £12,280 and funded 30 electronic devices, 8 LCD screens, made a contribution towards becoming a forest school and the new playground markings to name a few!

LATEST NEWS As you can see the GPPSA has had a bit of a redesign….we hope you like our new logo as much as we do! The logo has been designed to bring us in line with the school brand and to sit as part of the Grange Park family. We’ve kept our look clean and modern, with a twist by introducing the turquoise, so you’ll know any communications from us is clearer.

SUMMER TERM FUND This week we shared a letter with you all, highlighting the sizeable hole that both the school and the GPPSA have in their 2020 finances in the hope that you can help. With the current situation the GPPSA have had to cancel at least 6 months’ worth of fundraisers and without them we are unable to fund the items for the children that the school has prioritised for September.

At this stage we have resorted to the old fashioned approach and are simply asking for donations through our Summer Term fund page or text, any donation of any size will be gratefully received….

To donate £1, text HTDT003 to 70201

To donate £3, text HTDT003 to 70331

To donate £5, text HTDT003 to 70970

To donate £10, text HTDT003 to 70191

Please click on image on left to donate

Let's see what the GPPSA has raised money for this year...

Playground markings

30 Chromebooks

Hedging/plants for the playground

Netball kits

Christmas presents for each class


Signing up to easyfundraising which turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations. Please click on the image.

Using the Amazon Smile link when buying items by pressing the logo and search for Grange Park Primary School Association. If you are buying anything from AMAZON please use the AMAZON SMILE app on your phone. Just go into your settings and convert your original app to the smile version and pick Grange Park Primary School as your charity.

A percentage of the sale comes directly to the school so it’s a very easy way for us to make ££ at this time. Click on the image to find out more.

Entering our school lottery - tickets are only £1 per week. There is a guaranteed winner each week and a chance to win £25,000! Click on the image to find out more.

For some of our fundraisers we set up a simple donate page and ask parents to use the url or text service to donate money to a much needed cause! In February 2020 we raised over £1,650.50 for our new school playground markings. You can still donate! Please click on the image.

Looking to get some new name stickers to personalise all your child’s uniform, shoes, books etc. Simply log onto the website as normal, shop and at the end add in our unique code 65741 before you check out. 24% from each order will be donated to our school. See the flyer on our website page for more information. Click on the image to find out more.

Stamptastic is the fastest way to name all your belongings. A personalised stamp made in the UK, usable on fabric, metal, wood and some plastics. No more sewing or ironing in labels! Please note that 20% commission from each order will be donated to our school. Click on the image to place your order.

One of the easiest ways for us to make money on our two Fayre/Festival days is through stall matching. If you work for any of these corporates or another company, please ask your HR department about Stall Matching and let the committee know.

Offers and discounts

Looking for a fun and crafty activity your kids will love? Try a Free ToucanBox (P&P only) and our school will receive £5. You can cancel the subscription at any time. Just remember to click this link.

LOOKING TO HELP? The GPPSA would like to remind all that without your support and if you would like to get more involved in anyway please let us know at gppsa@hotmail.co.uk or speak to any of the committee directly.

We have a new WhatsApp helpers group where information is shared and everyone is welcome to join! Please contact us to find out more.


Year Group News


Nursery children have been busy at home and school learning about 2d shapes. They have created imaginative shape pictures and engaged in hands-on activities to help them describe shapes by their properties: sides and corners.

In school, clothes pegs were used to help count the sides and corners on 2d shapes

Creating a shape picture in school, of home by drawing around different shapes

At home, Toby used his imagination to create colourful shape art inspired by the artist Paul Klee

Discovering many shapes at home and in the garden

We had a momentous lift off in nursery this week for our Learning Quest activities! Children made rockets, grew their own rainbows and sent astronauts to the moon!

At home having fun creating robots

Suendam creating a robot out of recycled materials

In school, both nursery bubbles constructed paper astronauts and sent them off on their mission to the moon!

Ivy, Jasmine and Max busily building astronauts and rockets

Year 1

Year 1 have been exploring their love of reading both in school and at home. The teachers and children have been sharing their favourite books with each other. We have discovered that reading gives us the ability to go on lots of new exciting adventures at any given moment in the day!

A favourite book to read at home - ‘Creaturepedia - Welcome to the world's greatest show on Earth.'

"I like reading fiction books because they tell a story."

"When you read you can learn new things."

"I have been reading this book at school called 'Mog the Forgetful Cat', which is a really good book!"

Year 2

Once again, Year 2 students have amazed us with their maturity, hard work and enthusiasm for their home learning. Last week we looked at a poem called 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright and we challenged the children to write their own version of the poems and record themselves to share with the class. As always the children excelled in their creativity and put a huge smile on everyone’s faces with their fabulous poetry skills. Well done superstars. We love being creative and using this to develop our science knowledge - we made our own terrariums (gardens in a jar) and researched the rainforest. Another activity Year 2 have enjoyed this week was the PE challenge, where they had to spell their names completing different challenges for different letters, they remembered that keeping active was one of the 5 ways to mental wellbeing!

Informative and colourful rain forest poster, made at home

Amelia, Puffin

Doing a Wallpress at home

The Magic Box poem , written at home

Qamil, Woodpecker

Making a Terrarium of plants at home

Year 5

Mikey, Neptune, wrote this persuasive text at home.

Year 5 have yet again been working incredibly hard . We have had some wonderful examples of Maths and English work being completed as well as exploring life cycles in science

Ryan, Neptune, found a caterpillar on a leaf at home.

Over the past few weeks, Year 5 have been tackling the topic of cams and levers in Design and Technology

Arabella, Mercury, created her own lever at home.

It has been so amazing to see what the children have produced over this time, really investigating the mechanisms and exploring how to improve and innovate designs

Planet Bubbles

Children in years 2, 3, 4 and 5 who are in school

Mercury Bubble

We have tested different magnet strengths in our physics science lesson this week.

"The strongest magnet held 15 paperclips!"

"I found out that the strongest magnet was the bar magnet even though it was the smallest!"

Saturn Bubble

This week, we have been deepening our creative writing skills. Some of us designed innovative schools for aliens, wizards, minibeasts and more! We have been applying our grammatical knowledge too: weasel words, imperative verbs and alliteration. Other children have been developing spy gadgets, spooky setting descriptions and action-packed problems.

“In my story, the secret agents get into a sticky situation. It is very tense." stated Solomon - Ash

“When persuading pupils to attend my school, I’ve added rhetorical questions." explained David, Jupiter

Look at some of our creative school designs and spy gadgets below.

Jupiter Bubble

We have been working so hard in Jupiter bubble all week and decided to have lovely, calming brain breaks and think of our wellbeing. This week we created a gratitude jar and thought about everything we're the most thankful for.

"I am the most thankful for my family, dog and the money my parents work hard for to give me and my brothers a happy life," says Lucy, Willow

"I chose a colourful, rainbow background for my jar because it makes me happy and thankful for many things," says Eva-Nicole, Willow