The Future of our District

While choosing to close Clinton Elementary School is a painful decision, both the School Board along with District administration, and the Community Advisory Committee believe moving forward with a single PreK-12 facility in Graceville is the best way to meet the long-term goal of preserving CGB as an Independent School District and meet the needs of our students, staff and residents.

The School Board and Community Advisory Committee carefully considered all possible paths forward, including: 

The School Board chose to follow the recommendation of the Community Advisory Committee and combine both schools because:


Why NOT Update Clinton Elementary School?

After reviewing findings from facility assessments, analysis and survey work, the community-wide survey, and from the Community Advisory Committee, it was determined that reinvesting in the existing elementary school in Clinton is not a viable future investment due to these concerns:

What are the POSITIVES of Combining Schools?


Community-Wide Survey

352 residents of the CGB school district completed the community-wide survey. The survey was communicated to residents via a mailed postcard, emails from the District, social media, and websites. 

The community input we received stated that:

Facility Master Planning and Community Advisory Committee

To ensure future facility decisions make sense for students, are fiscally responsible, and have community support, the District's commitment to the residents of CGB included expanded communication with District residents. Under the direction of the School Board, a Community Advisory Committee was formed, composed of 25 volunteer community members who represented a cross section of the community. Over a five-week period and investing approximately 14 hours of their time they accomplished the following:



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