Parent/Carer Space

Working together to develop well educated, considerate and caring citizens with successful futures

This space is here to help support you and your child through their school life. 

Grace Ethos Theme - Integrity

Attendance continues to be a really important theme for us here at school. 

By ensuring your child is here we can support them to achieve all they are able to. Please do let us know if you are facing any barriers to attendance. 

Special Notices 

Support whilst waiting for health assessments or appointments

An online resource has been developed by Solihull Local Authority to help children and families while they are waiting for these services. 

The resource also contains the latest waiting times to help parents and schools plan.

Parent Coffee mornings 

This half term we have a Parent Coffee morning on 

Thursday 27th June 9am-10am

We look forward to seeing you for coffee, cake and a chat. 

Reminder for Y11 Parents Please encourage your child to attend as this will help prepare them for their GCSE exams.

Free School Meals Support - Reminder

We understand that the current state of the economy and the cost of living crisis may have adversely affected finances for many of our families within the academy, and feel it is important that the academy plays a role in easing this burden where we can. One way we can help is by ensuring that all children eligible for Free School Meals have applied and are taking advantage of this help. You may be unaware that you are eligible for Free School Meals and even if you weren’t eligible before you may be now.

Follow the link in the flyer to check your eligibility and if you feel you may be eligible, you need to register through the local authority using the link below: . The registration process has been made as easy as possible to encourage those who are eligible to take advantage of this funding, but if you need support with this please do not hesitate to contact us, we will glady support where we can.

The following tiles are links that could help support you and your family

Please click on the tiles for more information or support.

These are not school partnership organisations,  however they are nationally recognised as supportive agencies. 

You can contact the Safeguarding Team on

We are here to support you. 

If you can not find the what you need here 

please inform us by completing this form

It is important to us that you are involved, if there is something more you want to know please get in touch: Contact Us

Solihull council support sites - Here to help