Young Carers At 

Grace Academy Solihull

What is a Young Carer?


A Young Carer is aged between 5 and 18 years old, Young Carers look after someone (family member or friend) who has an illness, disability, mental health condition, and alcohol / substance dependency. Young Carers take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. A young carer is a child or young adult who, without payment, provides help and support to a friend, neighbour or family member who could not manage otherwise because of an illness, frailty, or disability. Very often, people do not recognise themselves as 'carers'; they are just relatives, friends or neighbours who find themselves in a caring situation, sometimes suddenly, sometimes gradually, and simply get on with what needs to be done

What might a Young Carer do?


Grace Academy Solihull can support young carers. If you, or a family member, needs support please contact Mrs Bromley, Young Carers School Operational Lead at



What does Grace Academy Solihull do for Young Carers?


We offer help and support for Young Carers. We understand that Young Carers can be dealing with a lot at home, and we believe it is important that they have someone to talk to and support them with their learning and their school life.


At Grace Academy, we understand that these additional responsibilities mean that students who are young carers sometimes need some extra support to help them thrive and succeed at school. All staff are aware of Young Carers and the school is able to offer the following:


We aim to understand and meet the needs of students who fulfil a caring role at home and encourage parents/carers to let us know if their child is a young carer.


If you think you may be a Young Carer, or your child is a Young Carer, and need help and advice, please speak to either of the following contacts:

Mrs Bromley 

Young Carers Operational Lead 

Mrs Wright

Senior Leadership Lead for Young Carers