Upcoming Events

17th June - Y9 PSHE VR Knife Crime Workshop with WMP

18th June -  Y9 Wise (women in engineering and science) at BCU

18th June  -  Various Musical Workshop

19th June - Y12 Criminology @BCU

20th June - Y8 Big Bang trip NEC

20th June   - Y10/11 D of E Celebration

21st June - Y11 Prom

Week Commencing 24th June - Y10 Mock Exams

25th June - Y8 Character Workshop

26th June - Y11 and 12 Transition Day

27th June - Various Royal Engineering workshops

27th June - Various Parent Coffee Morning

1st July - Y9 Building Healthy Relationships Day

2nd July - P16 Akers Adventure Trip

3rd July - Y10 Unifest Residential Trip

4th July - Various Musical Workshop

5th July - Various D of E Expedition Trip

9th, 10th and 11th July - Various School of Rock Performances

9th July - Y10 A Day In the Life of P16

15th - 19th July - Various Awards Ceremonies Week

15th July - Y10 Geography Trip

22nd and 23rd July - Various Sports Day and Rewards Trips

24th July - All Last Day of Term

Dates are subject to change - please contact the Academy for more information