Anger Management

When Miles Got Mad by Sam Kurtzman -Counter & Abbie Schiller (Grades Pk-2)

Miles's little brother broke his favorite toy airplane, which made Miles mad! The Mad Monster appeared and helped Miles calm down by talking about his feelings. Kids will love the practical advice this story gives.

Sometimes I'm Bombaloo by Reachel Vail

Katie is usually happy, but sometimes, she is "bombaloo!" She gets angry and starts yelling, hitting and kicking. When Katie takes some time to herself, she is about to return to being "Katie" again!

When Sophie Gets Angry- Really Really Angry By Molly Bang

Sophie gets angry when it's not her turn. She kicks and screams, and then she runs. Once she is by herself, she notices the nature around her and is able to calm down. This is a great book about slowing down and noticing what's around you can make you feel calm.

Crankenstein By Samantha Berger

There are a lot of things that Crankenstein doesn't like. He says "Mehhrrr" at almost everything. In the end, the readers learn that the only thing that makes Crankenstein happy is friendship.

The Three Grumpies By Tamra Wright

The Three Grumpies comes to visit the girl in the story. They make sure that nothing goes right. She tries to get rid of them by yelling, making faces and stomping at them, but they still hang around. Only when she decides to smile and laugh- no matter what they do they do they then go packing!

I Hate Everything By Sue Graves

Sam hated everything. Finally, he got so mad that he pushed his friend over. Sam's Aunt Meg took him outside and gave him several ideas of how to calm down. Sam tried them and started to feel better. Then, he was able to have fun with his friends again.

How Do Dinosaurs Say "I'm Mad?" by Jane Yolen

How do dinosaurs act when they are mad? DO they throw things and stomp until they get their way? No. Dinosaurs take time to themselves and count to 10! This book is great for helping children identify what they do when they are angry and establish positive coping skills.

When I Feel Angry by Cornelia Maude Spelman

This book gives readers great tips on how to deal with anger. It also leads to a discussion about anger triggers and recognizing anger. You and your children will love the simple, clear message in this book.