Research Poem

The Resilient Red Panda

The Critter, thats 2 ft long

The Animal who is red

The Panda that’s undergone

Pain, suffrage, and more

The 17lb Panda

Poached for its fur

Hunted for food

The little critter

As sly as a fox

The panda that climbs trees

Its claws, tougher than nails

The animal hunted in China

Deep within the Bamboo Forests

The creature hunted

By the Snow Leopard

Has its ways of survival

The fastest tree climber in China

The cousin to the Panda

An eater of Bamboo

Hunter of insects

Beats death every day

Although it beats death

It still gets caught

Killed by poachers

And Hunted for Food

It lost its home

But it’s still surviving

And it’ll continue to do so

Every day it lives

It Survives