Cave Monster

“We need a torch if we are going in there.”, said Lucas with certainty.

“A-Are you sure we should go in there?”

“Absolutely! Quick, grab the campfire matches and light up this piece of firewood!”

With anguish, the younger brother lit up his older brother’s firewood. They quickly looked back to the tents to see if their parents were watching. As they walked into the cave, the fire slowly covered the cave with its radiant light, and writings on the wall were completely visible.

A loud snap echoed through the cave, and not too long after that, a shriek escaped from Oscar’s mouth.

“Are you okay?!”, Lucas giggled.

“I’m fine! Stop laughing!”, Oscar demanded. “What was that anyway?”

“Probably just a stick I stepped on.”


Lucas moved the torch closer to the writings on the cave’s stones.

“They look like arrows,” said Oscar over Lucas’s shoulder.

“Let’s follow them!”, exclaimed Lucas.

“What?! No, thanks. I’m going back.”

Lucas stood there, watching Oscar walk back to the entrance of the cave. Eventually, Oscar turned back around.

“’s too dark.”

Lucas smirks, “Onward then!”

The boys go deeper and deeper into the cave to the point that the entrance is barely visible. While inside, loud thumping noises start to approach them.

“Woah, do you hear that?” said Lucas.

“Oh no, this can’t be good…”

“Don’t be a party-pooper, dude! This makes it more exciting!”

“Yeah, I guess..” said Oscar questionably.

The thumps slowly come to a stop as noisy growls start to emerge instead. Both of the kids slowly move back and closer to each other.

“This, um, just adds to the excitement…” Lucas affirmed with unease.

A humongous shadow with a shape of a monster starts to form and both of them spot it at the same time. Thumping noises quickly start again and heavy growling noises deafen them.

“Run!”, they say in sync.

They sprint out of the cave, tumbling and tripping on their way out. They make it to their tents but don’t go inside just yet. They glimpse back, just to find their sister laughing at the entrance of the cave.

“Got you guys!” she hollers from a distance.

“SARAH!” Both boys yell as their sister laughs out loud.