Research poem

William Wrigley Jr 

A man of great success and wealth,

William Wrigley Jr. was his name.

A chewing gum king, beyond compare,

His products brought him great fame.

With Wrigley's Spearmint, Juicy Fruit,

And Doublemint, all with a zest,

He built a brand that was absolute,

And a business that truly was blessed.

With advertising as his strong suit,

He put his name on the map,

And soon enough, it was no hoot,

That his gum was chewed with each nap.

From Chicago, to the world at large,

Wrigley's empire continued to grow,

His name synonymous with chewing gum,

And his legacy, it continues to glow.

So here's to William Wrigley Jr.,

A man of great vision and heart,

Who left us with memories so dear,

And a brand that will never depart.