Research Poem

Number’s Revival

Deep in the woods

Are creatures unknown

Some may be young

Some may be full-grown

The saola is a wonder

Discovered 32 years ago

But with dangers in every corner

The population just cannot grow

What exactly is a saola?

Is what you might ask

It's a creature that sees surviving

As its main and urgent task

Black, Brown, and White

And a little bit of Almond too

Its fur is extremely colorful

It is wonderful to view

It's almost like a combo

Of a goat and a deer

It looks amazing and unique

It must not disappear

So much of it is unknown

And yet to be discovered

The saola should be preserved

So their numbers can be recovered

There are a few threats

Reducing the population

It’s critically endangered

It’s in a rough situation

While the saola eats its plants

Somewhere in a bush

A foe always lies

Ready to give a push

It can be a tiger

Hiding to make a bounce

It watches its prey’s every move

Getting ready to pounce

We humans make an impact too

With the settlements we build

They destroy all the habitats

Causing saolas to be killed

Hunting is an issue

It's pretty common as well

In captivity, they won’t survive

We’ll have to say farewell

The Saola must be preserved

To ensure their survival

Quit the hunt, quit the build

To encourage their revival